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2022クリスマス礼拝のご案内 Christmas Services at ICU Church (終了Ended)

国際基督教大学教会 International Christian University Church



This year's Christmas services will be held as below. We hope you will be able to join us!

●大学燭火礼拝 Christmas Candlelight Service

12月16日(金)午後7時 礼拝堂及びオンライン

December 16th (Fri.) 7 p.m. Chapel and On-line



This year's Christmas Candlelight service will be held in the chapel for current students and faculty/staff limiting number of participants. For others, please access live-streaming or on demand video.

On demand video streaming: Available through December 25 (Sun.)

●クリスマス・イヴ礼拝 Christmas Eve Service

12月24日(土)午後7時 礼拝堂及びオンライン

December 24th (Sat.) 7 p.m. Chapel and On-line


This year, the service will be held in the chapel with no reservation required and without limiting the number of participants. This service will be also available through zoom webinar.

●クリスマス聖日礼拝 Christmas Sunday Service

12月25日(日)礼拝堂 午前10時半および午後1時

December 25th (Sun.) Chapel 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

予約不要、人数制限はありません。No reservation required. There will be no limit to the number of participants.




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