Acceptance of donations closed at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 31, 2023.
Thank you for your cooperation.
募金送り先: トルコ、シリア各地域で支援活動を行っている団体・組織を検討中です。
募金方法: 振込の際、必ず通信欄に「トルコシリア」とご記入ください。
・ゆうちょ銀行から 口座番号: 00120-2-32345/口座名義: 国際基督教大学教会
・その他の銀行から 金融機関コード 9900/当座預金 〇一九(ゼロイチキュウ)支店/口座番号 0032345
ICU Church is now conducting a fundraising to support victims of the earthquake disaster in areas of Turkey and Syria.
How to Donate: Please enter "Turkey Syria" in the remarks column upon transaction.
- From Japan Post Bank Account... Account Number: 00120-2-32345, A/C Name: KOKUSAI KIRISUTOKYO DAIGAKU KYOKAI
- From Other Bank Account... Bank Code 9900, "Toza-Yokin"/〇一九(ゼロイチキュウ)支店, Account Number 0032345
*Please keep your record of transfer as your receipt.
Thank you very much for your kind donation.